Steady posting coming back soon


Well, i will probably be posting more for awhile because i just had shoulder surgery this morning so im gonna be off of work (still getting paid) when the right shoulder heals they're gonna do the left one, maybe write a few websites for some extra money ,drink beer and pop narcotics for a few months , LMAO, (oh btw the pic is just something i found on commie google pics)

Not a word about it at the convention

Republicans are silent on gun control a week after Trump rally shooting

More than a week after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump with an assault weapon, his political supporters and fellow members of the Republican party have remained silent on the issue of tightening America’s notoriously lax gun control laws.

That intransigence plays out against the backdrop of a US election that was already deeply marred by fears of political violence and the possibility of civil unrest before a 20-year-old gunman fired a AR-15-style rifle at the former president, injuring him and two others and killing one rally-goer at an event in Pennsylvania.

Opposition to almost any form of gun law reform, such as a ban on assault weapons, has become a modern-day litmus test for Republicans seeking public office, according to experts in the field. The week since the shooting has seen no meaningful statements on gun control from Republican figures.

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A saturday nite music post


Pistol Whipped

Steven Seagal Plays Putin's Mouthpiece While Accepting Special Honor In Russia


Steven Seagal was happy to push Vladimir Putin’s agenda as he received an award from the Russian president on Thursday.

In a ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow, the American action movie actor was bestowed with Russia’s Order of Friendship honor for his “great contribution to the development of international cultural and humanitarian cooperation.”

In video of Seagal accepting the award circulating on X, formerly Twitter, the “Under Siege” star listed an array of incendiary claims about Ukraine, where Russia has been trying to annex regions for years.

Reading a statement straight from his phone, the martial artist said that before Russia’s early 2022 incursion, “Ukraine was known for human trafficking, organ trafficking, narco trafficking, child sex trafficking, biochemical warfare labs, fascism and nazism.”

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Might as well throw some more memes, pics & hot chicks out here.

Should be a documentary

Review by Redspur  

America is getting sick. Alex Garland has offered us a vaccination for what ails us. Like a serum for snake bite made of venom itself, this film grabs us by the shoulders and screams "You got a civil war fantasy? Fine, I'll put it on a 40 foot screen and dare you to cheer."

Civil War finds it's foundational vision in the eyes of those who for decades have brought us the soul shattering reality of war, free from the romance of Hollywood patriotism- war journalists whose frenzied, conflicted odyssey plunges them into a mad gauntlet of fire and film, killing and Kodachrome. Like soldiers in a war of attrition, they must constantly reassess the purpose of they're risks and sacrifices as they watch their colleagues fall for the sake of the priceless pictorial story of war. Three generations of war correspondents traveling together into the insanity becomes the testament to three phases in the life of such a calling.

We are introduced to the strangeness of how soldiers, out for blood, tolerate and facilitate the presence of these unarmored observers every step of the way through the hell of combat. Garland seems to tap into some unspoken ethos of universal credence among combatants that the history of it all must be seen and those who record it must survive to tell of it. It is never explained, merely displayed.

We are reminded that in a modern American civil war, rogue atrocity can roll through your city just as easy as it did for My Lai. If you think that in the fog of war we would maintain our civility and morality like gentlemen, think again. For every five patriots there might be one psychopath ready to fill ditches with the innocent dead executed under the jurisprudence of a few unhinged men with guns.

We have no idea why this war is being fought. Perhaps it is a just war. Perhaps it is a crazed secessionist rebellion. We aren't afforded such information. It would only get in the way of the vital message-war is hell and be careful when you tell your fellow American to go to hell for their political differences. What you end up with might be far darker and damning than you ever dreamed.

The genius of this film rests partially in an absurd alliance between California and Texas, two of the most opposite states in the Union. By joining this ideological odd couple, the story immunizes itself against accusations of partisanship or cultural favoritism. Yet it also beckons us to imagine what kind of national crisis could bring such opposites together.

This film will be awarded there is no doubt. Alex Garland has broken new ground and his script and actors and cinematography deserve all the awards they get.