They need spying on.

McCain Floats Independent Probe of CIA Spying Charge


Sen. John McCain says an independent investigation might be necessary to determine whether the CIA improperly accessed Senate computers.
"It is very disturbing, and we need a thorough and complete investigation, and I'm trying to figure out who would be doing it, because there's allegations of bias on both sides, so we may need some kind of independent investigation," the Arizona Republican said Tuesday, acknowledging that he had yet to gather all the facts.
McCain does not currently serve on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence but has been one of the leading voices of criticism of the CIA over enhanced interrogation tactics. On Tuesday
morning, panel chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein publicly accused the CIA of accessing Senate staff computers in a possibly unconstitutional search of documents concerning the agency’s past use of the tactics.
"I know that they concealed information concerning waterboarding - I know that for sure, because I fought with them for several years in my opposition of waterboarding,” McCain told reporters. “We had to pass a law to prohibit it before it would stop.”

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